The Faculty of Economics and Business is one of the 11 faculty members at Universitas Negeri Padang (UNP). Its establishment was marked by the UNP Rector’s Decree Number 05/J4/KP/2005, dated January 2, 2005, which authorized the opening of the Faculty of Economics and its undergraduate (S-1) education with four study programs: Economics Education, Management, Accounting, and Development Economics. Additionally, the faculty offers one postgraduate (S-2) program, namely, a master’s in management.  This decree was issued by the rector with the approval of the Directorate General of Higher Education, Department of National Education, as per DIKTI Decree number 2816/D/T/2004, dated July 22, 2004. The Faculty of Economics and Business is an extension of the Economics Department of the Faculty of Social Sciences at UNP. Although it is the youngest faculty member, it cannot be disassociated from the history of UNP itself. UNP was established as a result of the conversion of IKIP Padang into a university, originally known as Teacher Education College (PTPG). The UNP Faculty of Economics officially changed to the UNP Faculty of Economics and Business on June 5, 2023, through Rector’s Decree 524/UN.34/OT/2023 concerning the Change of the Name of the Faculty of Economics to the UNP Faculty of Economics and Business.

The development economics study programs were subsequently opened based on the Decree of the Minister of Education and Culture of the Republic of Indonesia No. 2542/D/T/2001, dated August 2, 2001. DESP has currently received “Unggul” accreditation based on Decree of the National Accreditation Board for Higher Education (BAN-PT) No. 3485/SK/BAN-PT/Akred/S/VI/2022 dated 7 June 2022.

To become a study program with international dignity and reputation


  1. Organizing quality economic education and learning in the field of development economics.
  2. Carry out research and disseminate research results in development economics at national and international levels.
  3. Carrying out community service as an effort to apply the field of development economics to improve community welfare and regional independence.
  4. Creating a conducive academic climate and building standardized governance.
  5. Develop partnerships with central and regional government institutions, businesses and industry at local, national and international levels.


Economic Analyst. Graduates are able to master economic theory, carry out empirical analyses, and have communication skills.

Economic Practitioner. Graduates are able to apply empirical analysis and economic theory to government, industry, community organizations, and international organizations and are able to develop partnerships with various stakeholders.

Entrepreneur. Graduates are able to seize opportunities, estimate risks, and be creative and innovative to provide added value to the economy.

DESP students are equipped with knowledge, general abilities, special abilities, and attitudes to compete in the world of work.

To achieve EO, DESP develops intended learning outcomes (ILO) based on four aspects, as follows:


  1. understand scientific concepts in general as well as concepts, theories, methods, and analytical tools in development economics. Able to apply and develop educational principles and theories regarding the planning, management, and evaluation of economic learning.
  2. apply analytical methods and tools in the field of development economics and evaluate appropriate methods in development economic cases
  3. produces research and scientific work in the field of development economic


  1. demonstrate good attitudes and behavior personally, socially and emotionally
  2. apply professional commitment and be able to demonstrate a responsible, systematic, constructive, and creative attitude to solve problem

Generic Skill

Able to communicate, collaborate and negotiate effectively and utilize relevant information technology, for example, case studies and project assignments

Specific Skill

utilize the results of empirical analysis under scientific principles implement knowledge in various areas of work both independently and in groups.